Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Cliffs of Moher and More: Dublin, Ireland

The people of Ireland have hearts of gold. Of all the cities I have visited so far, I haven't met a group of people as friendly as the Irish. It seemed as though everyone I met had a smile on all of the time and it was contagious! We arrived in Ireland around noon on Monday. I started the trip with a traditional Irish meal, potatoes, cabbage, beer, and more potatoes. After lunch we visited the Guinness Factory. The museum within is shaped like a gigantic pint of Guinness. Inside we learned of the history of the brand and how to pour the perfect pint. I am proud to announce that I am an official graduate of the Guinness Academy. We explored the city more after our tour, and settled down for a nice dinner and live music.

Tuesday was my favorite part of my entire trip to Europe so far. Over thirty of us woke up for a 7am cross country bus ride to the Cliffs of Moher. I have never been somewhere more beautiful. The view from the top of the cliffs was astonishing. The cliffs overlook the Atlantic Ocean which was a crisp, clear blue. On our 3 hour trip to the cliffs, it rained and hailed for about 2 hours on and off. Upon arriving at the cliffs, the weather seemed to magically clear up. We suddenly had blue skies and winds strong enough to knock any of us off of our feet. Being blown off of the cliffs was a legitimate concern. Words and pictures give you an idea of the scenery but until you go there yourself, you haven't seen beauty.

On our way back we stopped a few times at other smaller cliffs and eventually made a stop at what was described as the party capital of Ireland, Gallway. Gallway is a small town with a great atmosphere. While we only spent about an hour there, I enjoyed every second. While there I learned of the history of the famous Claddagh Rings that originated in the small town. To make the trip home even better, our tour guide played U2 music the entire way home. It was indeed a beautiful day.We returned around 9pm and made our way to an Irish pub soon after. The live music in Ireland made the experience even more enjoyable.

Wednesday morning I explored Dublin on my own a bit before our plane to Paris that evening. My first stop was Trinity College, home of the Book of Kells. The campus was very enclosed and well designed. After a tour through the University's vast library, and the Book of Kells I made stops at Dublin Castle, St. Stephen's Green, and Christ Church Cathedral. Dublin Castle originally served a defensive role, it is now a major government complex. St. Stephen's Green is a public park in the city center, with over a dozen monuments dedicated to the lives lost during the famine. Christ Church Cathedral was established in the year 1030. Needless to say, it was incredible to be inside. I want to go back to Ireland as soon as possible.

Not only did I fall in love with Ireland, but I fell in love with an Irish girl for a few minutes as well. I made a stop into the Disney store, a territory of the Happiest Place on Earth, in order to double check my flight time. While there I was helped by a lovely employee, about my age, named Sinead (pronounced Sha-need). She was very pretty, her accent was adorable, and her kind nature instantly made my day. On my way back to my hostel, I passed by a florist. I stopped in, bought a bouquet of flowers and then made my way back to the Disney store and delivered the bouquet to Sinead. She was shocked and confused, with good reason, but was incredibly appreciative of what I told her was a random act of kindness. I then returned on my way to the hostel, knowing well that I likely won't ever see her again. Regardless, it felt nice to put a smile on someone's face, just as she had mine.

We arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare thanks to delays caused by rain. While a little later than anticipated, we took off for Paris around 9pm. Updates from Paris are on the way!

Dublin in a photo.


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