Wednesday, January 15, 2014


After our first day of class on Monday, about half of us went to the Alprose Chocolate Factory. Alprose is the largest chocolate manufacturer in Switzerland. The factory is located just twenty minutes outside of Lugano by train. While the factory is closed for special production until the end of the month, we took a tour of the museum and ate lots of samples.

It's not often you see snow covered palm trees. In fact, Tuesday was the first time I had. I awoke on my twenty first birthday to the sight of snow falling from the Lugano sky. Tuesday was our second day of class, and unlike Monday, classes lasted six hours instead of three. The day started with our first session of Introduction to Italian, followed by Consumer Behavior.

After class, I finished some homework, studied a bit, and then went to AnaCapri for a mug of Feldschlösschen with my friend Nick Carr, before heading back to the Montarina for dinner with the rest of the students. At dinner, Professor Brinberg surprised me with a Lindt chocolate bear and a tiara in recognition of my birthday.

After dinner, about thirty of us went to a bar called Coyote Ugly to celebrate. It's slightly disconcerting when you walk into a bar only to find a couple and their infant in a stroller sitting by the bar. They left soon after we arrived, but it was certainly bizarre. I had a blast with my new friends, and enjoyed what was without a doubt, my favorite birthday to date. It doesn't get much better than singing Train's Drops of Jupiter at the top of your lungs with thirty friends to end an awesome day.

This weekend I am headed to Zermatt, Switzerland with about twelve other students for a weekend of skiing in the Alps. I hope to do some castle hunting and possibly attend a Lugano hockey game Friday before leaving. Stay tuned!


1 comment:

  1. Just one mug of Feldschlösschen???? Come on, it's your 21st birthday ... you can come clean now ;-)

    On a serious note, we all wish you a fantastic birthday and hope you have a great semester abroad.

    All the best!
